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Monday, 16 April 2007

"episodic content"

it,s been said that xbox 360 inferior block will be getting this
but PS3 are being left out .
xbox can not and will not portray this title to its full potential
r* are not doing themselves any favors.
the best game ever and its going to be a flop
what a waste
wake up r* smell the roses i for one will not be
running out to buy this title if we the PS3 owner are getting less than that
peace of cheap white plastic only good thing i can say about it is that
when you take the in sides out and it makes a good toilet bin for you ladies
if you know what mean? sorry I'm going on a bit.
Sony PlayStation are the ones how sent r* to the top and this is how you repay them
a billion dollars this is how you repay the fan our sweat our blood our hearts
and you stab us in the back where do you get off doing this to us.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking out my blog. Why do you think the PS3 is so superior?

capstar said...

think? i dont think i have first hand experience. if you look close
yon will see that it runs smoother
the graphics are crisper on ps3. and the whole experience with the xbox 360 i had was nothing but problems i ended up throwing mine out the window was lucky not to be arrested as like a fool did not look first and just missed a passer by. and thats with out the technical side of it. sorry i just dont not like it.

Anonymous said...

you need counciling if you hate a console. if the xbox wasnt around the PS3 would cost over 1000$ and you cant deny that

retro gta style game just for fun